Created in 1976, this trick is one of the best-sellers of Tenyo, the famous Japanese firm that delivers each year several magical novelties, each one more ingenious than the last.
The material comes in the form of a pretty little box containing six dice that look quite ordinary (and they are!).
After placing the six dice in their box, this superb trick allows you to perform several effects, which you can chain together if you wish.
- The six randomly placed dice come in the order 1-2-3-4-5-6, then in reverse order 6-5-4-3-2-1.
- The spectator freely chooses a value from 1 to 6. All the dice end up with the chosen number!
- You can predict the total points of the dice that have been placed in the box by the spectator!
Small box, but with very spectacular effects.
- That's easy to do.
- Anything can be left for examination at any point in the routine.
- The equipment uses objects of everyday life.
- You can repeat the trick as many times as you like without any risk!