Encyclopedia Pickpocketing- 4 video DOWNLOAD
  • Encyclopedia Pickpocketing- 4 video DOWNLOAD

Encyclopedia Pickpocketing- 4 video DOWNLOAD

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Welcome to the Encyclopedia of Pickpocketing Volume #4 - Stages, Stooges, and Table Work

Byrd and Coats discuss theory, props, tricks, and techniques you can use to successfully add pickpocketing to your stage and or restaurant routines.

This Download will teach you, step-by-step, how to perform the following:
-Pickpocketing in a straight jacket with 3 different escapes
-The Shirt Pull
-Shadow Pickpocketing
-Stage Whispering

Pickpocket Stage gags such as:
  • Dirty Underwear
  • Underwear Pull

    Pickpocket Props such as:
  • the Hand
  • the Jacket
  • mu-52535

    Fiche technique

    Byrd and Coats
    Type de Tour
    Magie de rue